Bukhara to Kunya Urgench

Bukhara to Kunya Urgench (Turkmenistan part)

Duration:  t_sonnig Days:4,    night-480Nights:3
today-xxl Best time to travel: March – November

Tcropped-itinerary-icon-swantour-1ur itinerary:

Day 1: Bukhara – Farab – Turkmenabat – Merv – Mary – 460 km (Uzbekistan/Turkmenistan)

Depart Bukhara and drive to Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan border point Farab. Border formalities on both sides, crossing the border. Transfer to Mary via Turkmenabat & Merv (350km/4.5h). Sightseeing of Merv: visit Gyz Gala& Oglan Gala, Complex of Askhabs, Gyaur Gala, Erk Gala, Sotla Gala, Sotlan Sanjar Mausoleum etc. Upon arrival to Mary accommodation at the hotel. After short rest, walking tour to city bazaar and center square.

Day 2: Mary –Ashgabat – 350 km (Turkmenistan)

Transfer to airport for flight to Ashgabat by T5 128 08:20/09:00 AM hrs. Arrival to Ashgabat: visit Ashgabat famous Oriental Bazaar, Arch of Neutrality, Presidential Square, Gulistan Bazaar, Museum of History & Ethnography, Ertogrul Gazy Mosque.

Day 3: Ashgabat – Nissa – Gokdepe - Ashgabat – 45 km (Turkmenistan)

Excursion to Nissa located 30 km from Ashgabat: visit Old Nisa ruins and Turkmenbashy Spiritual Mosque. After excursion, drive to Gokdepe horse farm and Mosque. Gokdepe fortress that was attacked in December 1880 by Russians under General Mikhail Skobelev. The siege of Gokdepe lasted twentythree days, after which the city was taken by storm. Gokdepe Mosque was built to commemorate the defeat and is noted for its mint-turquoise blue colored roof and white marble structure. At the horse farm you can see proud of Turkmen national Akhalteke horses. Over the 30 beautiful horses, you can see at the horse farm. 5000 years ago, Turkmens begin breed Akhalteke horses. Unique breed on the world, that not mixed with other breeds. Different rulers as Alexander Great, Darius I wants to own this horses, transfer to hotel.

Day 4: Ashgabat – Dashoguz – Kunya - Urgench – Khiva – 310 km (Turkmenistan/Uzbekistan)

In the morning transfer to the airport for flight to Dashoguz. Arrival to Dashoguz, transfer to KunyaUrgench (120km/1.5h). Sightseeing tour in Kunya Urgench: visit Portal of Caravansaray, Mamur Minaret, II Arslan Mausoleum, Sultan Tekesh Mausoleum, Academy of Horezm, kutlug Timur Minaret, Turabek Hanum Mausoleum. After sightseeing, return to Dashoguz. Transfer to Turkmen/Uzbek border “Shavat”.

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Sotlan Sanjar Mausoleum


Ahalteke horse

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